Acupuncture is one of the main pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It involves insertion of single use, stainless steel needles (pins) into acupuncture points, to balance body’s vital energy or Qi. Qi moves through various pathways known as meridians. Meridians correspond to vascular pathways, fascial planes, and nerve pathways.
Through a biomedical perspective, Acupuncture works by stimulating deep brain pathways to put your body in a parasympathetic state where body’s ability to heal is enhanced. Acupuncture provides myofascial release to muscles, increases circulation to local injured areas to speed up healing, and initiates release of body’s natural painkillers.
Acupuncture can effectively and safely treat a wide variety of conditions and concerns, including, but not limited to: sleep problems, depression, anxiety, pregnancy symptoms, seasonal allergies, musculoskeletal pain, addictions, menstrual irregularities, and digestive issues.
Acupuncture is one of the main pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It involves insertion of single use, stainless steel needles (pins) into acupuncture points, to balance body’s vital energy or Qi. Qi moves through various pathways known as meridians. Meridians correspond to vascular pathways, fascial planes, and nerve pathways.
Through a biomedical perspective, Acupuncture works by stimulating deep brain pathways to put your body in a parasympathetic state where body’s ability to heal is enhanced. Acupuncture provides myofascial release to muscles, increases circulation to local injured areas to speed up healing, and initiates release of body’s natural painkillers.
Acupuncture can effectively and safely treat a wide variety of conditions and concerns, including, but not limited to: sleep problems, depression, anxiety, pregnancy symptoms, seasonal allergies, musculoskeletal pain, addictions, menstrual irregularities, and digestive issues.
Since this review, there has been an increase in scientific research on Acupuncture, especially following the recent opioid crisis in North America. For more information, you can visit,
Since this review, there has been an increase in scientific research on Acupuncture, especially following the recent opioid crisis in North America. For more information, you can visit,
Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture
The Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture System uses Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to create a truly holistic cosmetic experience. In addition to the cosmetic procedure, you receive a whole body acupuncture treatment tailored to your unique condition. By treating possible internal imbalances, we allow your body to focus on your skin. Mei Zen can be used to decrease (or prevent) signs of aging on the face, bell’s palsy, rosacea, and TMJ issues.
From a TCM perspective, the Mei Zen System balances body’s overall Qi, and increases Qi /blood flow to the face and neck to promote rejuvenation. From a Western standpoint, creating ‘micro-traumas’ with acupuncture needles promotes your body’s collagen and elastin matrix. Increased storage of fibroblasts in the face and neck allows healing of the skin, resulting in,
In addition to cosmetic results, you can expect the usual side effects acupuncture: better sleep, increased energy, improved digestion, and an overall sense of well being.
The Mei Zen System is a ten treatment protocol, administered twice a week, preferably two days apart, over five weeks. After the initial protocol, it is recommended you come back at least twice a year for a tune-up (monthly tune ups may be recommended based on age and lifestyle choices).
This protocol is contraindicated for individuals with hypertension, pregnancy, frequent migraines, uncontrolled diabetes, and bleeding disorders. {It is also recommended to wait at least six months after botox injections.}
Please feel free to be in touch with any other questions you may have!
In addition to cosmetic results, you can expect the usual side effects acupuncture: better sleep, increased energy, improved digestion, and an overall sense of well being.
The Mei Zen System is a ten treatment protocol, administered twice a week, preferably two days apart, over five weeks. After the initial protocol, it is recommended you come back at least twice a year for a tune-up (monthly tune ups may be recommended based on age and lifestyle choices).
This protocol is contraindicated for individuals with hypertension, pregnancy, frequent migraines, uncontrolled diabetes, and bleeding disorders. {It is also recommended to wait at least six months after botox injections.}
Please feel free to be in touch with any other questions you may have!
“I started acupuncture treatments with Ozge three months ago and there has been a significant shift in my quality of sleep. I immediately started to experience deeper sleeps and over the last month I can actually go back to sleep if I wake up, something that was not possible before.
In turn, I have more energy, a desire to exercise and socialize more. The treatments have also given me an overall sense of calmness and feeling grounded.”
“Ozge’s intuitiveness and personality coupled with her education gives her an uncanny ability to quickly uncover underlying issues. I am always impressed how quickly she is able to see things by administering the technique of Chinese pulse taking and looking at my tongue. Having tried so many things over the years, I wasn’t sure if acupuncture would do much for me but it has!!
I am so grateful and appreciative how short few months have started to turn things around. THANK YOU!”
“I highly recommend anyone suffering from anxiety or poor sleep visit Ozge for acupuncture treatments. After my treatments I began sleeping soundly and my anxiety decreased significantly. Her professionalism and calm demeanor make the treatments relaxing and enjoyable.”
“Acupuncture treatment is truly a life energy changing experience. Thank you for taking such great care of my Chi.”
“I went to Cascadia Health and Ozge did cupping on me for my first time. I really enjoyed the experience. She made me feel relaxed, at ease, and explained the process as she went. Highly recommend!”