Food is perhaps the most powerful medicine available to us. Food (combined with Air) is how we stay alive; it is how our Qi is replenished every day, how our Blood is made, and how our Mind is nourished.

Chinese Medicine, like many dietary traditions, focuses on eating practices that change with the seasons. The thermal nature of the foods (cooling, warming, neutral), their flavour profile (sweet, sour, bitter, acrid, salty), how they are cooked, time of day and amounts they are consumed, and possible ritual aspects of eating are all part of how food is used as medicine.

Our lifestyles (exercise routines, social activities, homelives, work schedules…) determine what we make of our Qi. Similarly, Chinese Medicine advises us to reflect on Nature as how we move through life. It reminds us to slow down during Winter months and save our energy, and to shine through the Summer.This may be difficult at times within the modern structures of life, but it is a valuable practice to notice the changes in our emotions, cravings, and needs as the seasons shift.

Dietary and lifestyle suggestions serve to enhance your treatments, and ensure sustainable and long lasting shifts towards wellness.



Food is perhaps the most powerful medicine available to us. Food (combined with Air) is how we stay alive; it is how our Qi is replenished every day, how our Blood is made, and how our Mind is nourished.

Chinese Medicine, like many dietary traditions, focuses on eating practices that change with the seasons. The thermal nature of the foods (cooling, warming, neutral), their flavour profile (sweet, sour, bitter, acrid, salty), how they are cooked, time of day and amounts they are consumed, and possible ritual aspects of eating are all part of how food is used as medicine.

Our lifestyles (exercise routines, social activities, homelives, work schedules…) determine what we make of our Qi. Similarly, Chinese Medicine advises us to reflect on Nature as how we move through life. It reminds us to slow down during Winter months and save our energy, and to shine through the Summer.This may be difficult at times within the modern structures of life, but it is a valuable practice to notice the changes in our emotions, cravings, and needs as the seasons shift.

Dietary and lifestyle suggestions serve to enhance your treatments, and ensure sustainable and long lasting shifts towards wellness.


“If you truly get in touch with a piece of carrot, you get in touch with the soil, the rain, the sunshine. You get in touch with Mother Earth and eating in such a way, you feel in touch with true life, your roots, and that is meditation. If we chew every morsel of our food in that way we become grateful and when you are grateful, you are happy.”

~ Thich Nhat Hanh